Wednesday, March 24, 2010

fgt smth.

haha u guys shud rly hear owl city.not just fireflies but their other songs.they rly sound good..............especially the saltwater room?duet song many songs to choose.hope any1 can tell me where to buy owl city albums...hope theres a concert in singapore soon by them and not gay k.i just rly like their songs.

1 months 1 weeks 1 day

Lolzzz....1 months 1 weeks 1 day since i wrote a post =P.So manyyyyy things happened man...Mah team won 1st in teh futsal comp. on 10th march i think.last 2 matches then i get to be keeper.dam nigel haha.we both concede 1 goal soooooo we both are twins.haha.was so happppy on that day man.after bout........................................................................................................................................2 weeks aft that?or into a street soccer team was fun....learnt new keeper skills.gotta find comp. to boost up our rep.b4 bro asked me to join his soccer team.....i cant believe it.the minute i step on the field,one ball will hit me in the sure but it cant be helped.i think they rly nid a keeper or a sub just 13 yrs old bro.all of yall are abt 18+++++++++?lol.hmmmmmmmmmmm.nth interesting happened so buhbye.